Sorry that I've been a horrible blogger this summer! It seems like it has flown by. It has been an amazing last few months- and it only keeps getting better. I guess one of the last times I wrote we had just added a new family member, Lucy the dog. She's been a great addition and constant playmate to Noah. I have been the skeptic, but it's working out pretty good. Well, since then we have another new addition to the family, but this time it's by way of my belly! We are expecting baby Lox #2! I am due March 4th and am thrilled. I am feeling very good, much better than the first time around. But, my cravings seem to be a little stronger :). We are just praying for a healthy baby, and we honestly would be thrilled with a girl or boy!
It feels as if most of our summer has been spent on the road (even though that's an exaggeration!) Nathan's band, Making Malorie has been playing for several youth camps all over this summer. Noah and I have been to the Cherokee National Forest and to DISNEY WORLD! Disney was a first for Nathan and Noah, and we'll be back! We've driven a few thousand miles this summer, but it's been a lot of well spent time together.
Nathan has also kind of given birth this summer, to his little project! Making Malorie has been in the studio recording their first album. He has had a blast with it, but it's been a lot of work. It is a 6 song short CD, but Nathan wrote 3 of the songs. So, of course, he's a little attached to the project. Hopefully it will be ready in the fall for your listening ears. We'll keep you updated. Until then they're selling several different shirts to help support the cause. They even have baby and toddler shirts!
Little Noah isn't so little anymore. He's already growing into the roll of BIG BROTHER. He's growing and developing so quickly, my baby is gone! He has atleast a 50 word vocabulary and it's always increasing. He's obsessed with cars and trucks and has gained quite a collection. Car rides keep him very entertained just pointing at all of the big trucks and white trucks! He really is a lot of fun these days, even though he's learned the word NO. Man, oh man!
Ok, so I know I've left out a lot of details....hours of swimming, multiple family reunions, birthday parties, and time shared with friends- BUT you can view it all in our web album of pictures. Follow the link that's on the right! And I promise to try and do better on this blog thing!